Dear Motoko Bootcamp campers ๐Ÿ•๏ธ

Welcome to the fast-track guide from zero to enrollment. To achieve this goal efficiently, ensure all prerequisites are in place and you follow the steps closely.

We will move through the following chapters

1 - Is your dev environment ready for take-off?

Open your terminal, and let's determine whether the minimal dev requirements are in place. Enter the commands and compare the results (what after โ†’)

  1. node --version โ†’ v18.*.*
  2. npm --version โ†’ 9.5.*
  3. dfx --version โ†’ dfx 0.14.0

Got some unusual result? Please stop here and fix it. Execute the following resource:

Set up your environment for building on the Internet Computer (ICP) - YouTube

2 - Better use a fresh Identity

  1. Create identity (enter a passphrase, only use numbers and letters)

    dfx identity new motoko_bootcamp_2023

    append --storage-mode=plaintext to disable identity encryption โ—๏ธinsecure but convenient

  2. Activate newly created identity (motoko_bootcamp_2023)

    dfx identity use motoko_bootcamp_2023
  3. Check, that its activated (the * markes the active identity)

    dfx identity list

3 - Throw money/cycles into the game

Decide whether you have the time to go the Cycles Faucet route (ca. 24h) or better bring your own ICP (min 1.0 ICP) from an exchange or wallet.