
  1. Get you Operation System ready (Windows vs Linux|MacOS)

  2. Install DFX (command line developer tooling for Internet Computer)

    1. Goto

      IC Orientation | Internet Computer Home

    2. Run sh -ci "$(curl -fsSL [<>)"](<>)")` in the terminal

  3. Install node (18.12.1 LTS) and package (8.19.2). I would suggest the installation of NVM (node version manager) instead:

    1. Run install command in terminal: curl -o- <> | bash
    2. Ensure that you add NVM loader to your shell .profil, .bashrc or .zshrc (depending on your shell)
    3. Reload your shell or add a new terminal window
    4. Install newest v18.* LTS version nvm install lts/hydrogen
  4. Check versions of installed tools:

    node --version # v18.13.0
    npm --version  # 9.5.*
    dfx --version  # 0.14.0
    nvm --version  # 0.39.3
  5. Install and setup VSCode

    1. Goto

    2. Install Motoko extension

      Name: Motoko Id: dfinity-foundation.vscode-motoko Description: Motoko language support Version: 0.7.3 Publisher: DFINITY Foundation VS Marketplace Link:

    3. Install WebAssembly extension

      Name: WebAssembly Id: dtsvet.vscode-wasm Description: WebAssembly Toolkit for VSCode Version: 1.4.0 Publisher: WebAssembly Foundation VS Marketplace Link:

  6. Create a first project in a motoko_bootcamp location

    1. Find a proper code location for the first project
    2. Create a directory mkdir motoko_bootcamp
    3. Change into the directory cd motoko_bootcamp
    4. Setup first project dfx new first_project
    5. Open VSCode in the motoko_bootcamp/first_project
    6. Fix broken deploy for identities that use a passphrase
      1. in package.json in the scripts section remove the line that contains the prebuild command
    7. This point is missing in the video Run npm install so that the next step does not fail
    8. Create first_project_backend canister dfx canister create first_project_backend
    9. Run generate npm generate
    10. Open terminal inside VSCode and start local IC replica dfx start --clean
    11. Open a second terminal and deploy the app dfx deploy (don’t worry this happens only locally)
    12. Inspect the running app (the url was show as result of the last command)
    13. Shutdown the replica through pressing [STR] + [C] in the first terminal that runs the local IC replica